Organize Using Groups

Organize Using Groups


Let's talk about views and groups. Views allow you to navigate the timeline by interactively clicking on a menu system and jumping to that portion of the timeline. This allows for immediate access to any portion of the timeline. You can use your UP and DOWN arrow keys to navigate through the views. You can use your LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate through the Events,

Views are essentially related to Groups in that a Group is a set of views of the timeline.  You can name a group and call up that specific set of Views as a different presentation of the timeline.

Groups and views allow you to organize your timeline so that you can have different ways of looking at the timeline. You can set up a different set of views under a different group.  One reason you might want to do this, is to set up a set of views for Opening Statement, a different group of views for witness 1, a different group of views for Witness 2 and, finally, a different group of views for your Closing Argument. 

In some of those views you may want to make some events "invisible" (light visibility)  for one group but not for the other.  See  In other words, some Events on a timeline would not apply to one witness versus another.  In those situations, those events can remain lightly visible on the timeline but muted.

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