There are two ways to convert a PDF to JPG images. The first can be found when linking images from the Event Media - Image Gallery dropdown list of an Event. The second can be found in the File Menu System,
1. Using the BLUE + Convert PDF button
You can link one or all pages (as images) of a PDF to an Event. The benefit of linking a PDF this way is that the User can highlight, annotate, zoom, and otherwise markup the images using the Annotation Tool of CrimeLines and TimeLaw. To learn more about the Annotation Tool click here:
Click on the BLUE + CONVERT PDF button, navigate to the PDF folder in your projects assets folder (or where ever your PDF file is), find your PDF that you want to add and click OPEN. The PDF Conversion Window will appear. Click the BLUE CONVERT PDF button.
The settings are already preset for you - so you do not need to change those settings.
Once the conversion is finished, a folder is created (that has the name of the PDF ) in the Images Folder inside the Assets Folder of the Project, Each of the pages of that PDF will now appear as jpg's in that folder and will also appear as linked images in the Linked Images List. These images can be viewed and annotated in the Media Viewer.
2. Converting PDF's Using the File Menu System Convert PDF Menu Item
The second way to convert a PDF is to use the File Menu System. On an Apple Computer, move your mouse to the top left of the screen and you will see the File Menu System. Open the Editor window by clicking COMMAND E. On a PC computer, Click CTRL E to obtain access to the File Menu System.
Click File/Convert PDF.... Navigate to the file that you want to convert on your computer/network, click on it and then click Open. Click on the BLUE CONVERT button to convert that file to JPG images.