Annotate Images
You can draw on images that have been linked to an event. To access the Media Window, click on either the title, the subtitle, or the poster image of an event to access the document itself. To navigate from page to page use your RIGHT ARROW button or LEFT ARROW button on the screen or your LEFT and RIGHT ARROW KEYS on the keyboard.
To highlight a specific part of the image, go to the hamburger menu in the bottom left corner of the Media Window, select the tool you want to use (Highlight Rectangle, Arrow, Text, etc.). Click and drag using the highlighter tool (or whatever you choose). To save that highlight, go to the bottom right hand corner of the Media Window to the actions panel and choose Store Annotation.
Delete Annotations
If you want to delete an annotation, go down to the hamburger menu, click on Tools, choose the selection tool and select the specific annotation that you want to delete. Click on it to select it. Once selected, hit the DELETE key on your keyboard.
Zoom Into and Out of Images
In order to zoom into a document, you can use the scroll wheel on a mouse or a two finger gesture on a Macintosh. Once you've zoomed into the zoom level that you want to be at, then you can choose store annotation from the bottom right menu. When you return to that document, it's at the saved zoom level. You can always zoom out of it by double clicking on it and jumping immediately out or by using your two finger gesture or the scroll wheel in a mouse.