Populating the Assets Folder

Populating the Assets Folder

CrimeLines:  https://vimeo.com/580874074

You can have any event copy its linked media to your assets folder. So you don't have to preload your assets folder. Like I showed earlier, there's really two workflows. You can preload your assets folder with all the assets that you need, or you can just add assets as you create events. So in the sixth event, we're gonna add an image that does not exist in our assets folder. Click on the sixth event, go to the event, media click image gallery. We're gonna add an image. We're gonna go to, uh, not our images folder because it's not there. We're gonna go to our files folder and find the file that we want. We're gonna add this image now that does not exist in our assets folder. And once I click on it, time loss software will show you that the files that I just selected are outside the project directory and they will be copied into the project directory.

So I hit okay. Once I do, I can save that event. I've got now an image that was not in our assets folder. Um, now copied into our assets folder. And this is important because as I said before, there's two different workflows, um, that you can choose either one, either you put your assets into the assets folder ahead of time, or you copy them into the assets folder one event at a time. So to see what happened, if you go to your project folder and go to your assets folder and inside your assets folder in the images folder, you'll see the file has been copied to your images folder.

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