Gathering Materials - Two Basic Workflows

Gathering Materials - Two Basic Workflows


Before you begin adding events to an interactive timeline project, either using CrimeLines or TimeLaw software, you want to at least know where the files (that you will be linking events to) are located on your network. Where are your videos, your images, your audio files, your PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoints, etc.?   Once you know where to find your materials, then you are ready to begin creating an interactive timeline.

There are really two basic workflows when gathering your materials for a project: populate the assets folder as you create events (one at a time) or gather the assets ahead of time and populate the assets subfolders -- before building events into the timeline.

Workflow #1 - find each file as you add events to the timeline and link the file at that moment
As you create events, navigate through your file directories to find the files for each event, one at a time.  Whenever you link a document, video or audio file to an event, that file will be copied into the appropriate subfolder of your assets folder within the project folder.  A warning notice will appear before copying the file, asking you to confirm that you desire to copy the linked file to the appropriate subfolder of the assets folder for that project. 

Workflow #2 - gather all of your files up front and copy them into the appropriate subfolders of your assets folder. 

Inside the project directory is an Assets folder. which contains the following subfolders: images, videos, audios, icons, PDFs and external files.  You can populate these subfolders by navigating to your files and copying each of your relevant files (images, videos, PDFs, etc.) into the appropriate subfolder of the assets folder BEFORE you start adding events to the timeline.

Either workflow allows you to populate your assets folder with the necessary files (that will be linked to the events on your timeline).

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